The Set Time


Dear diary,

Have you ever observed that so many people mix talents with gifts and have put both on the same page. I’m sure your next question is what is the difference? Well, I leave your instincts and spirit of God in each and everyone of you reading this to help you differentiate. I also noticed that several people have defined wisdom in so many ways; some say it is knowing what to do and doing it. What they don’t know is when you know what to do and you do it at the wrong time; you become a square peg in a round hole. I always admire people who apply wisdom and work according to the right time, be it spiritually or physically. Even the bible teaches us about timing and emphasises on the SET TIME.

And so I decided to write about a young, vibrant and gifted singer who applies wisdom in everything he does and understands the power of the set time. Sam Praize as he is called, has this to say.

I had an encounter with the Most High in 2014 and He revealed my purpose on earth to me. He said, “I’ve sent you to the world to impact lives through the songs I have given you”. He gave me Habakkuk 2:3 and told me that my vision is set for an appointed time.

Recently, I asked God when is the set time and he said to me “now is the set time son”. Here is the end result from that encounter; it is one of the songs God gave me to sing. Please click on this link   It says Yahweh, you are holy and no one loves me like you do. Indeed, no one can ever love you the way God loves you and that’s why he sent his only begotten son to us. No one can sacrifice his/her life for you, only God can. It doesn’t matter how many times you have sinned he still loves you. He is the only one that can make you and I whole again, just like he did with the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. God still cares and still loves you.

Yes!!! you’ve read it all. The holy book says a man’s gift will make way for him and I agree. I am proud of you and I love this beginning, it gives me an insight to what the future has in store for you. Ride on SAMPRAIZE, the sky is your starting point!
Abientot diary.

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